Stampa estera Information indicates Father Paolo Dall’Oglio is alive and in ISIS captivity (ALAKHABAR) Father Paolo Dall’Oglio has sparked controversy since the beginning of the Syrian crisis. He declared his support for the revolution, visited al-Qusayr rebels...segue
Stampa estera Come Hezbollah ha creato la sua capacità di dissuasione (Omar al-Marbuni - Sham Times) - Uno sguardo all’evoluzione della Resistenza mostra che Hezbollah ha accumulato una grande esperienza in ciò che concerne l’armamento,...segue
Stampa estera Israel Expands Settlements to Rebuke Palestinians (THE NEW YORK TIMES - JERUSALEM) — Israel says it is moving ahead with the planning and construction of hundreds of Jewish settlement homes as...segue
Stampa estera PM Erdoğan accuses Kurdish politicians of ‘hypocrisy’ (HURRIYET DAILY NEWS) - There seems no end in sight to escalating tension between Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan and pro-Kurdish politicians, with both...segue
Stampa estera Pakistan Teenager Saba Maqsood Survives ‘Honour Killing’ After Being Shot Twice & Thrown In Canal (THE HUFFINGTON POST) - An 18-year-old Pakistani girl has survived being shot and thrown into a canal for marrying the man she loved, police...segue
Stampa estera Barack Obama suggests Scotland should stay in UK (THE GUARDIAN) - Barack Obama has intervened in the debate on Scottish independence by saying the United States has a deep interest in ensuring...segue
Stampa estera Più di 6300 coloni hanno preso d’assalto al-Aqsa dall’inizio del 2014 (QUDS PRESS) - Alcuni dati pubblicati da una fondazione palestinese attiva nella difesa dei luoghi santi islamici nei territori palestinesi occupati nel 1948, hanno...segue
Stampa estera At West Point, Obama tries to excuse the inexcusable (THE WASHINGTON POST) - Like a pitcher who has lost his fastball, Barack Obama has lost “the speech.” The speech has always been central...segue
Stampa estera La mappa del voto al Fronte Nazionale e la Francia divisa in due (LIBERATION) - Negli show televisivi, i rappresentanti del FN si sono vantati di aver completato, domenica, la loro conquista del territorio. Finiti i risultati...segue
Stampa estera Palestinian unity government of Fatah and Hamas sworn in (THE GUARDIAN) - After seven years of a bitter and at times lethal rivalry between the two main Palestinian factions, Fatah and Hamas, a...segue