Stampa estera Syrian girls, on sale for $ 9,000 in the Saudi capital (MBC TIMES) - A terrible announcement of sale of girls from Syria published in the Saudi capital, Riyadh, has raised a wave of strong...segue
Stampa estera Hamas: un attacco di Israele aprirebbe le porte dell’inferno (PressTv) -Il movimento di resistenza palestinese, Hamas, mette in guardia contro un eventuale attacco di Israele contro i palestinesi, per rappresaglia contro la morte di...segue
Stampa estera Hillary Clinton’s latest falsehood on Iraq (THE WASHIGTON POST) - Hillary Clinton has told some whoppers. But Wednesday night on “PBS NewsHour,” she outdid herself wit Let’s recall that the Obama-Clinton...segue
Stampa estera Francia. Il Fronte Nazionale isolato in Europa (Charlotte Rotman - Libération) - Sono in tanti a mangiarsi le mani stamattina. Dopo i successi elettorali alle municipali e alle europee, Marine Le Pen...segue
Stampa estera Gli ultimi cristiani di Mossul bersaglio dei jihadisti (Jean-Pierre Perrin) - L’ISIL ha imposto ai cristiani d’Iraq lo status discriminatorio del “dhimmi”, obbligandoli a pagare un’imposta elevata in cambio della garanzia di...segue
Stampa estera L’analisi: non è una questione di tre coloni rapiti (Rachelle Friesen) - Dallo scorso giovedì più di 300 (529, a lunedì 24 giugno) palestinesi sono stati arrestati e detenuti dai militari israeliani; oltre...segue
Stampa estera Official: 150 Australians fighting in Syria, Iraq (Associated Press) – Around 150 Australians have fought with radical militants in Syria and Iraq, raising fears of a terrorist threat to Australia if...segue
Stampa estera US willing to work with Iran to halt advance of extremists in Iraq (THE GUARDIAN) - The US and Iran are poised to enter into a potentially groundbreaking military cooperation to halt the advance of Sunni extremists...segue
Stampa estera NATO’s Terror Hordes in Iraq a Pretext for Syria Invasion Tony Cartalucci (LD) : All roads lead to Baghdad and the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS) is following them all, north from...segue
Stampa estera Jihadist rebels in full control of northern Iraq province (ALAKHABAR) - Jihadist rebels seized all of Iraq's Nineveh province in the North, which includes the country's second largest city Mosul, parliament speaker Osama...segue